Ryan Diaz


University of Minnesota


Hello! I am a fourth-year undergraduate student studying computer science and math at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. My research interests include computer vision and general machine learning applications to robotics and robotic manipulation, and I currently do research with Prof. Karthik Desingh at the Robotics: Perception and Manipulation Lab. This past summer, I was at the WashU CSE REU doing research on reinforcement learning for autonomous driving with Prof. Yevgeniy Vorobeychik. I’m always trying to explore new ways to help robots do cool things!

This Fall, I hope to apply to PhD programs in computer science for next year and continue my research journey!

Outside of academics and research, I enjoy cooking, reading, and worldbuilding (as well as procrastinating way too much on actually writing). Whether it be writing papers, writing code, or writing stories, the keyboard always calls…


Oct 22, 2024 Our project AugInsert is now live on arXiv! You can find an overview video of the project here.
Apr 26, 2024 This summer I am planning to go to the CSE REU at Washington University in St. Louis to work on algorithms for autonomous vehicle movement!
Jan 30, 2024 Our paper “Evaluating Robustness of Visual Representations for Object Assembly Task Requiring Spatio-Geometrical Reasoning” was accepted to ICRA 2024!
Dec 10, 2023 Presented a video for the Fall 2023 Undergraduate Research Symposium at UMN! You can find an abstract of the project and the video here.
Oct 23, 2023 Our paper “Evaluating Robustness of Visual Representations for Object Assembly Task Requiring Spatio-Geometrical Reasoning” was accepted at the Pre-Training for Robot Learning Workshop @ CoRL 2023!

Selected Publications

  1. ctb.jpeg
    Evaluating Robustness of Visual Representations for Object Assembly Task Requiring Spatio-Geometrical Reasoning
    Chahyon Ku, Carl Winge, Ryan Diaz, and 2 more authors
  2. auginsert.png
    AugInsert: Learning Robust Visual-Force Policies via Data Augmentation for Object Assembly Tasks
    Ryan Diaz, Adam Imdieke, Vivek Veeriah, and 1 more author

Selected Personal Projects